Oakmont Field Festival
The Oakmont High School Royal Blue Regiments hosts a field show festival that brings in bands from all over the Northern California region. Our Field Festival was amazing last year! Our success would not have been possible without so many adult and student volunteers.
This year the Oakmont Field Festival is on Saturday, October 26th. There are lots of spots throughout the day available in all areas. All our spots need to be filled in order for our event to be the best it can be so please sign up to volunteer and encourage your friends, family, or students to do the same. If you are interested in becoming a lead for a certain section, please sign up here. We ask that leads be 19 years of age, or older.
All adult volunteers receive free admission to the festival.
For all families with questions about the band season here is a link to our FAQ page https://www.oakmontband.com/faq
Lead Positions
Set-up/Clean-up- Leads are in charge of organizing the volunteers who sign-up to set-up before the event (11:00 AM-12:00 PM) and clean-up after (10:00 PM-11:00 PM).
Parking- Leads help direct buses to their spots and coordinate and train the volunteers who sign-up.
Band Check-in- Leads will be responsible for prepping envelopes for each participating school that will be handed out at arrival which will contain maps, schedules, wrist bands, and other pertinent information. They will also train and coordinate volunteers day of.
Tickets and Gate Entrance- These leads will be in charge of training the volunteers who sign-up to sell tickets and check wrist bands at the gates.
Snack Bar/Food Trucks- Leads will coordinate what will be sold at the snack bar. They will also help arrange and secure food trucks. At the event they will train volunteers to help in the snack bar.
Starter/Staging- Coordinate with field officials and direct volunteers to move competing bands on and off the field.
Judges/Hospitality- These leads will help set-up the hospitality room for the judges, band directors, and other VIPs. They will make sure to keep the food in the judges’ room and directors rooms prepped and ready. They will also train volunteers who sign-up.
Day-of Festival Volunteer Positions
Set-up (adult & student)- Help set up tents, signs, and tables
Parking Lot (adult & student)- Helping in one of multiple parking areas. Directing visiting bands and spectators to the appropriate parking areas. Keeping vehicles out of parking areas they do not belong in.
Band Check-in (adult & student)- Checking in visiting bands as they arrive. Hand out check in packages to band directors and judges and inform them of the site ie: where to park, where to rehearse, Director/judges lounge.
Ticket Sales (adult)- Selling tickets and checking wrist bands at the front gate. There will be a training meeting on using square the night before time TBA
Entrance Gate (student)- Checking guest wrist bands at the entrance gate
Snack Bar (adult & student)- Selling items at the snack bar. There will be a training meeting on using square the night before time TBA.
First Aid (adult)- Assist the medical trainer. This person must be CPR certified.
Pit Crew (adult)- Helping the Oakmont band set up and take down for their performance.
Staging and Starters- Help direct the bands on and off the field.
Floater (adult & student)- Sign up to help, we will find a place for you!
We need your help!
Please sign up to volunteer at our competitions and for the Oakmont Field Festival on October 26th. Dates for the competitions are on our calendar.
Away competition sign-up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0848AFA628A7F5C25-50379481-oakmont
OHS Field Festival sign-up:
Lead Positions: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0848AFA628A7F5C25-50429395-oakmont#/
Day-of Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0848AFA628A7F5C25-50345556-field#/